Saturday 24 August 2013

With a little help from friends, why social media and parrots mix.

Blog #5

I asked an online Sun Conure community if it is normal for a Sun Conure to slowly scratch the underside of its neck while leaning on one foot.

It turns out that this behaviour is very normal.  And not just for Suns but all parrots.

Here are some of the comments from the on-line community with names removed.

  • Completely normal. All birds do it, some more than others.

  •  it ok...he's not "holding is throat"... if he's kinda scratching around  its a "birds way" of saying this: mommy, (or daddy)im so pitiful I have to scratch my head and neck all by other words.. he IS asking for you to pet him!!! OR  he's just resting a foot.. lol either way, its an invite to YOU  PS and yes my Conure does this.. then he gets attention.. and starts to purr..

  • My macaw does this all the time. Even if she is on my shoulder getting loving.

  • It could also be a sign of a sinus issue. [ED - as revealed later in this discussion, if your parrot has a discharge and/or balance problems while doing this then seek professional advice right away]

  • My local parrot store owner equates this pose as "scratching their chin in deep thought"

By joining these or a similar on-line communities you open the door to almost instant access to experts and seasoned parrot owners.  As any bird owner will tell you, birds are very different to humans and not 'understood' like cats and dogs yet, these are basically wild animals we are dealing with, and advice from the community is essential to figuring out our fluffy companions.

Join the Google+ Flapout here.

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