Thursday 22 August 2013

Birds and Bathrooms - be very careful.

Warning #1

NEVER leave your bathroom door open.

There are many 'toxic' substances and hidden risks in your bathroom.

Here are a few to consider:

  1. Drowning in your toilet.  This is rare but does happen.  If your parrot is thirsty enough (this should not be possible but happens) it will try to drink from your toilet water and if left long enough will eventually tire and drown.
  2. Toothpaste.  This is the biggest danger in your bathroom.  1 Fluoride is extremely toxic to birds.  2. Roll up toothpastes containers can contain Zinc, also toxic.
  3. Soaps and other toiletry products.  Your parrot will eat these without hesitation, it does not expect to find toxic substances in the nest and has no idea it can be killed eating hair dye for example.
  4. Moulds, cleaning chemicals, candles, the list is large.
  5. Heavy metals and chrome from old shower heads and taps.

So, can we never take our parrots into the bathroom?

Not at all.  Go for it, just be sure to supervise the whole time.   Be careful not to let your shower screen fog up only to find your parrot is dining on toothpaste!  Also never let your parrot in your bathroom whilst using or soon after using an aerosol.  Ladies, as much as your parrot is stuck to your shoulder, it must un-stick while your using hair spray, and gents, shaving is a no go with your buddy, even dry shaving with an electric shaver can send Teflon, titanium etc raining down like snow flakes.

Real important tips to remember;

  • No aerosols ever! (click to read what they can do to your bird.
  • Keep the bathroom door closed when your not in there.
  • Change to a non fluoride brand of tooth paste for just in case you leave the door open, do not risk your bird dying for something so simple. 

Please share this to warn all bird owners.

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